The general information of Halagel that have been used in Pur Q Active product.
The opposite of Halal is Haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and Haram are in fact universal terms that apply to all facets of life. As far as food is concerned, the Qur'an makes it clear as to what is Halal and Haram, read it here verses in the Al-Qur'an.
The following products are definitely Halal:
- Milk (from cows, sheep, camels, and goats)
- Honey
- Fish
- Plants which are not intoxicant
- Fresh or naturally frozen vegetables
- Fresh or dried fruits
- Legumes & nuts like peanuts, cashew nuts, hazel nuts, walnuts, etc
- Grains such as wheat, rice, rye, barley, oat, etc.
Basically, all food is Halal except for the following:
- Meat from swine - pork, ham
- Pork-based products and by-products - sausages, gelatine etc
- Animals improperly slaughtered, or already dead before slaughtering is due to take place
- Animals killed in the name of anyone other than Allah (for example, by anyone other than a Jew, Christian or Muslim, or as part of a pagan sacrifice)
- Intoxicants
- Blood and blood by-products
- Foods contaminated with any of the above products
- Most of the desserts use non Halal Gelatine that comes from pigs.
About other animals such as cows, goats, deer, chickens, ducks, game birds, etc., are only Halal if they are slaughtered according to Islamic Law, called Zabihah in Arabic.
The procedure of Zabihah is as follows:
- The animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim.
- The animal should be put down on the ground or held it if it is small
- The throat of the animal must be sliced with a very sharp knife to make sure that the 3 main blood vessels are cut.
- While cutting the throat of the animal (without severing it), the person must pronounce the name of Allah or recite a blessing which contains the name of Allah, such as "Bismillahirahmannirrahim, Allah-u-Akbar".
- stabilising & binding
- thickening & platicizing
- emusification & foaming
For example, the gelatine's are suitable for gelling, thickening and stabilising dishes and gives them their creamy consistency. It plays a major role in the modern food industry.
For the Muslims community, availability of HALAL GELATIN is a very sensitive issue to ensure the consumption of genuinely Halal quality products.
For the Muslims community, availability of HALAL GELATIN is a very sensitive issue to ensure the consumption of genuinely Halal quality products.
The process
It’s the ingredients for providing support for :-
- Soft candies such as Gummi Bears
- Delicious desserts such as cheesecake, Ice cream, chocolates
- Fruits juices
- Daily salads with some sauces
- Frozen drinks
- Functionality
Gelatine is primarily used as a gelling agent [319] forming transparent elastic thermoreversible gels on cooling below about 35°C, which dissolve at low temperature to give 'melt in the mouth' products with useful flavour-release.
The facts that makes Halagel Gelatines Halal is :
- The gelatines factory located in Islamic country.
- The factory is own 100% by the muslim.
- All the workers in management and operational site also 100% muslims.
- The source of producing the gelatines, taken from the bones of the animal that HALAL to eat. Like cow and goat.
- All the animals, slaughtered ONLY by Muslims according to Islamic law/syariah.
- Halagel gelatines, are truly Halal because a non halal animal bones, NEVER MIX with halal animal like most of the factory did. Unlike other factory in the world, our factory only processing the bone of the Halal animal that came from a 100% halal sources.
It also strictly adheres to the Islamic procedures of handling and processing techniques in the production of Halal gelatine, which has been certified by three main Islamic Development Department that from Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand :
- Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)
- Islamic Central Committee of Thailand (ICCT)
- Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan & Kosmetika Majlis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM-MUI)
“The inspections to the gelatines factory and slaughter center house are made by these departments each and every year to keep the halal status always up to standard procedures all the time.” (Please check our certificates)
Source of information from Halal Gelatin.Com
Source of information from Halal Gelatin.Com
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